What kind of gravel do I need?
Limestone is suitable for parking areas driveways and walkways, because it compacts and doesn’t shift around as easily as gravel. Material used in these applications would be similar to trying to walk or drive through marbles. For drainage purposes our construction gravels would be best. For landscaping projects our washed gravel would be the best choice.
How do I order a delivery?
Determine what type of Gravel/Limestone/Sand you want to have delivered, the amount, when you want to have it delivered and contact us for delivery by calling 330-453-6365 or using out contact form provided.
Can you dump on my driveway?
Yes, we can. We can also simply dump on the apron of the drive if you prefer. Generally speaking, we pull on thousands of driveways per year with no complications. Rarely, a driveway has cracked. Our trucks weigh at least 10,000 pounds empty. Depending on what you are ordering, a fully loaded truck could weigh over 70,000 pounds. The construction of your drive is the main factor in determining if it can hold that kind of weight. We cannot be responsible for any driveway damage due to delivering material as instructed by you.
Can you “spread” the crushed gravel in my driveway?
Our drivers will do their best to spread your delivery, given the limitations they encounter at your location…. Overhead wires, trees, access, etc.
What is the average coverage per ton?
A good rule of thumb is that one ton of sand or gravel (1-1/4″ or smaller) will cover an area of 100
square feet at a depth of two inches*. Coverage decreases as the size of the aggregate increases.
What is the average coverage per ½ yard scoop?
A ½ yd scoop will cover about 70 square feet at a depth of two inches.
What is Crushed Run?
Crushed Run is a crushed limestone that has “fines”, or limestone dust, mixed in. Crushed Run packs well and is ideal for driveways or as a substrate to create a level base for patios, walkways and retaining walls.
Which gravel should I use for a French drain?
#57 Limestone or Washed Gravel is commonly used for driveways and French drains. Water flows well through it, and the pieces are large enough so that they won’t fall through the drainage holes in the pipe used for this type of drain.
What is the difference between masonry sand & coarse “concrete” sand?
Masonry sands have a fine consistency and are mixed with mortar or cement. The fine grains also
make it a good choice for children’s sandboxes or to put underneath the liner of an above-ground pool. Coarse sand is very much like beach sand. Applications vary, but it is used largely as the second layer (on top of the Crushed Run) in the base of a patio or walkway.
Besides driveways, drains and as a basis for patio construction, in what other ways can I use gravel or aggregates for landscaping?
Depending on the size of the aggregate, you can use them in dry creek beds, waterfalls, as garden accents, borders and for dog runs. Use larger river rocks under the eaves of your house to limit runoff and in low spots to reduce standing water. Carefully placed aggregates can reduce or eliminate erosion in areas with heavy water flow. Aggregates are inexpensive and have a variety of functions from practical to cosmetic.